Golnaz Shariatzadeh

Golnaz shariatzadeh


(New work) commissioned by Elision Ensemble, for oboe, trumpet and piano


(New work) commissioned by loadbang Ensemblen (winner of International Commission Compeition)

(New work) commissioned by NADAR Ensemble for large ensemble and animation (TBD)

March- fabric of sorrow.  NADAR EnsembleDE SINGEL, Antwerp, Belgium


(New work) commissioned by Riot Ensemble (call for scores), Premiered in Canary Islands Festival de musica

(New work) commissioned by Another Sky festival with support of Ernst von Siemens foundation for small ensemble and animation. will be premiered by Explore Ensemble

(New work) Children’s Games for harp, double bass, and percussion.
comissioned by Elision Ensemble. Melbourne, Australia

(New work) for cimbalom and violin
comissioned by Ludovico Ensemble, Boston, MA

(New work) sleep forest bleeds blue for large ensemble commissioned by Contemporary Insights, Leipzig, Germany

(New work) MOM for ensemble and animation
premiered by Broken Frames Syndicate. Cambridge, MA

November-CD release of Machine Euphoria for Peter Veale ( Elision Ensemble) on HCR

August- Machine Euphoria for solo oboe,Peter VealeElision ensemble, Hannover, Germany

April- Machine Euphoria for solo oboe, Elision ensemble, Klangbrücken FestivalHannover, Germany

March 28th- the moon that sank. the wet grass. TAK Ensemble, Anthony Burgess Foundation, UK, England

March 28th- the moon that sank. the wet grass. TAK Ensemble, Anthony Burgess Foundation, UK, England .

recording of the moon that sank. wet grass. TAK’s ensemble new CD 


December 11- fabric of sorrow (adapted for solo saxophone for Thomas Giles. National Sawdust, Brooklyn, NYC).

November 12- fabric of sorrowNAMES ensemble. Innsbruck, Austria(venue TBA).

November 11- fabric of sorrowNAMES ensemble. Toihaus Theater Salzburg, Austria.

November 9- fabric of sorrowNAMES ensemble. Wien Modern in cooperation with the IGNM in form of a symposium, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (mdw).

Date tbd- fabric of sorrowNADAR ensemble DE SINGEL. Huddersfield Contemporary Music FestivalHuddersfield, England.

September 17- fabric of sorrow ( adapted for NADAR ensemblein collaboration with DE SINGEL. Warsaw Autumn Festival, Warszawa, Poland.

September 7- fabric of sorrow (adapted for  NADAR ensemble Gadeamus Festival, Utrecht, Netherlands.

August 26- fabric of sorrow (adapted for NADAR ensemblein collaboration with DE SINGEL. TBD

August 10- Hollowing. Ensemble N. Schrödingerplatz, 1220 Vienna

May 14- fabric of sorrowcollective lovemusic. MAMCS- Musee d’Art Moderne et Contemporain. Strasboutg, France.

TBD- fabric of sorrow. Thomas Giles. NYC, NY

April 29- fabric of sorrow.mouth collective lovemusic. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA

February 11- Machine euphoria. Joshua Hyde. Leeds, England



November 9- the moon that sank|wet grass. TAK Ensemble. The DiMenna Center for Classical Music. NYC, NY

December 9- broken periphery. Dinosaur Annex. First Parish of Watertown

October 9-  Animal. Ensemble Recherche. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. premiere

May 21- concrete and bones of another. NADAR Ensemble. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. premiere

April 8- #48660. Ensemble Musikfabrik. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. 

February 20- Madison Greenstone and Kathryn Schulmeister. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA

January 15- Dermatome. Line Upon Line. Texas, Austin. premiere Line Upon Line Winter Composer Festival


December 10- Zir. JACK Quartet. National Sawdust Festival. 80 N 6th St, Brooklyn, NY  
-80 N 6th St, Brooklyn, NY - Dermadf j
September 1- for solo oboe. Peter Veale( collaboration with Elision Ensemble). Harvard University, Cambridge, MA


August 10- broken periphery. WasteLand Ensemble. Art Share. LA, USA